S.e.p.t.i.: Easy Persistentworld Template Initiative



This plugin will extend the capabilities of various nwnscript functions.

It will also "patch" some of them and give you a more advanced way to customize the game.

  • "Fix" for SetTag : previous Tag will be properly removed from the lookup table.
    • Indeed, in the "base game", when you change an object tag, this object will be returned by GetObjectByTag(newTag) AND GetObjectByTag(oldTag).
  • DestroyObject : Remove the Memory leak  when you delete an object possessing an inventory by properly delete the inventory objects.

  • DestroyObject : InstancedArea (from CreateInstancedAreaFromSource) can now be properly deleted.
  • Store/Restore functions : By default, they only act on items and creatures, without saving local vars. They now also work on objects such as Placeable, Light, Trigger, Door, PlacedEffect, WayPoint,...(Note that SQLStore/Retrieve rely on those function and so, will be enhanced too).

  • Modifications/Hooks related to speed bonuses :
    • You can overwrite the speed modifications provided by different feats
    • You can overwrite the speed thresholds (current: min() / max() / max if monk())
    • Instead of redefining a constant, you can define a script that determines the value to apply (bonus that applies differently depending on class, environment, etc.)
    • You can add a hook to define new bonuses that add a speed increase/decrease
  • Modification of skill bonuses :
    • It is possible to add a hook to modify the gain/loss of a skill (you can, therefore, modify the gains/losses provided by an existing bonus or add your own).
    • Example of usage: Intimidating Strength: You rely more on your muscles and mass than on your presence to intimidate people. Strength will be used instead of Charisma for your intimidation bonus.

  • For speed bonuses:
    • The monk's speed is currently not taken into account.
    • KeenSense bonuses, which nullify speed penalties in a particular  movement mode.
  • Magic functions. A whole set of new functions to manage spellbook/ready spell
  • More hooks
    • hooks will be added to more and more hardcoded stuff, allowing you to really customize the game at will.

Grab the plugin here (current version : 0.9)