What could be more frustrating as a DM than not being able to modify added objects as desired? To be limited to the configurations of placeable, light etc of the server's blueprints?
With Editor, it is possible to move and modify objects (Placeable, door, trigger, light, VFX, Waypoint, ...) as well as in the Toolset.
This complete system consist of series of GUIs, adapted to the object pointed allowing you to move it in all directions , rotate it if pertinent, change almost every aspect and settings of it. All of that without any deletion nor recreation.
Quick and smooth. Unleash the Toolset power directly inside the game !
Key features :
- Series of GUI panels focused on the chosen object
- Smooth change, always cancelable
- No deletion nor recreation, don't worry about the fact that this object can, perhaps , be used by another script.