S.e.p.t.i.: Easy Persistentworld Template Initiative


Tailor Smooth System NoArmor

You always hate those ugly "base outfit" that your character wear when you remove all your items ? Me too. With this system, you can now change it.

The Tailor Smooth System No armor is the matching of Tailor Smooth System but, allowing a player to customize their outfit when not wearing anything. 

Key features :

  • A smooth and quick GUI to choose your new outfit.
  • Previsualisation on a dummy
  • Easy to configure by admin to allow only the wanted stuffs to be view/choose
  • No need to log out to apply the change, no heavy bic modification, everything is in the gameflow
  • Linked with the AM plugin, you can access to all the appearance in your mod without maintain lists.

  • With the TSS complete Pack
    • Download and extract the file.
    • Put the content of the directory "xp_AppearanceManager" in your nwnx4 folder
    • Put the content of "TailorSmoothSystem/Add_ToHak" in your Override folder or put the content of the two subdirectory in a hak file linked to you module
    • Add the blueprint and the nwnScripts files to your module
  • How to configure and make it available?
    • You will first need to configure xp_AspectManager
    • Warning : As this system use Sept_lib_base_script, be sure to edit the function "string GetPCUid(object )" with your own UID system.
    • To make it available, just put a "mannequin" where you want. Set to it the script sept_tssna_launch on the OnDialog script. That's all. The Player and DM can talk to him
    • See the Admin/User Guide for the configuration and needed changes